
How To Uninstall Apps On Blackberry 10

  1. thieuvn90's Avatar

    Hi there,

    Please advise me how to uninstall android apps on BlackBerry Passport? I hold the icon on the screen then press delete but it seems to be still in the system.

    Posted via CB10

    01-23-16 12:54 PM

  2. Rallyfia's Avatar

    I cant uninstall on my passport either. Sideloaded Google Play and it works like a charm, thank you Cobalt ! Yourle the best !
    But I cant uninstall apps. I have 10.3.2. I downloaded 2 files to override to my computer and than copied them to my phone. The files are there, bud I cant install them....... I�m not a computer- or a technical whizz in any way, so is there anyone who can explain it step by step ? Its a bit confusing wether files should be downloaded on my computer or directly on my phone.

    Regards from Sweden

    01-23-16 01:47 PM

  3. thurask's Avatar

  4. thieuvn90's Avatar

    Thank you
    I will try to follow this.

    Posted via CB10

    01-23-16 08:03 PM

  5. Rallyfia's Avatar

    Even I could do it ! Now I got the PERFECT companion !
    Million thanks, you�re the best !

    01-23-16 08:58 PM

  6. joshua_sx1's Avatar

    Yup! That's BB10 OS... user needs to do some workaround to get what he/she wants... with still the possibility of having crippled apps / games...

    And yet, BlackBerry is still clueless of why BB10 OS, in spite of its top-notched security features and fluidity, doesn't emerging like iOS and Android...

    Posted via CB10

    01-23-16 11:31 PM

  7. thieuvn90's Avatar

    I installed the tool by cobalt but still not able to uninstall android apps. It is still in the system.

    Any solution for my issue?

    Thank you

    Posted via CB10

    01-24-16 05:46 AM

  8. thurask's Avatar

    Originally Posted by thieuvn90

    I installed the tool by cobalt but still not able to uninstall android apps. It is still in the system.

    Any solution for my issue?

    Thank you

    Posted via CB10

    Read the "Workaround" section in the link above.

    01-24-16 11:17 PM

  9. somendra_meena's Avatar

    So is it not possible to fully Uninstall android apps from BB10. ?

    Posted via CB10

    01-25-16 11:56 AM

  10. Smokeaire's Avatar

  11. thurask's Avatar

    Originally Posted by somendra_meena

    So is it not possible to fully Uninstall android apps from BB10. ?

    Posted via CB10

    Look a few posts up...

    01-25-16 01:00 PM

  12. shawnreum's Avatar

    Go into file manager, search for the Android folder and or any folders related to the app, tap hold, than select delete.

    Posted via CB10

    01-28-16 09:25 PM

  13. conite's Avatar

    Originally Posted by shawnreum

    Go into file manager, search for the Android folder and or any folders related to the app, tap hold, than select delete.

    Posted via CB10

    Android install folders are inaccessible. You'd only be partially removing some components.

    01-28-16 09:34 PM

  14. shawnreum's Avatar

    Originally Posted by conite

    Android install folders are inaccessible. You'd only be partially removing some components.

    Not sure which ones your referring to. But on my Passport I can find all my Android app folders and delete folders or app info. In some cases have removed the app all together.

    As the OP notes. He can delete the app but has residual info. That's what I've noticed when I go into file manager to remove the app completely.

    Posted via CB10

    01-28-16 11:46 PM

  15. Poi25's Avatar

    Originally Posted by shawnreum

    Not sure which ones your referring to. But on my Passport I can find all my Android app folders and delete folders or app info. In some cases have removed the app all together.

    As the OP notes. He can delete the app but has residual info. That's what I've noticed when I go into file manager to remove the app completely.

    Posted via CB10

    Once again, still giving out false information that doesn't work. It never ends with you does it? Read the post above, you have to Sachesi the previous Android runtime; it's a current bug.

    01-29-16 12:09 AM

  16. shawnreum's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Poi25

    Once again, still giving out false information that doesn't work. It never ends with you does it? Read the post above, you have to Sachesi the previous Android runtime; it's a current bug.

    Says the person who's ditched BB10 because they are insisting on using it like and Android. My email still works btw.

    Would say it's a case by case issue / bug.

    Because on my Passport, when I delete an app from "home screen" it's deleted and inoperable. Yet still looks like it's there when going into file manager. But those files are only residual info files like cache and such.

    01-29-16 07:47 AM

  17. conite's Avatar

    Originally Posted by shawnreum

    Would say it's a case by case issue / bug.

    Because on my Passport, when I delete an app from "home screen" it's deleted and inoperable. Yet still looks like it's there when going into file manager. But those files are only residual info files like cache and such.

    Don't mean to be argumentative, but that's simply not the case.

    The Android Runtime faulty code was actually broken down and analysed. There is no exception to this bug. It cannot possibly manifest itself differently on your device alone.

    01-29-16 07:50 AM

  18. Uzi's Avatar

    Just to clarify the bug is specific to 10.3 .2 .2876 OS ,if you not on that os you don't have that bug
    I hope that clearing the issue here

    01-29-16 08:03 AM

  19. preeti111's Avatar

    Originally Posted by usman_hidayat19

    Just to clarify the bug is specific to 10.3 .2 .2876 OS ,if you not on that os you don't have that bug
    I hope that clearing the issue here

    thats not correct ..... i am on OS 10.2.2836 from india ..... and i still have this android bug in my fone.

    Posted via CB10

    01-29-16 09:24 AM

  20. thieuvn90's Avatar

    Originally Posted by usman_hidayat19

    Just to clarify the bug is specific to 10.3 .2 .2876 OS ,if you not on that os you don't have that bug
    I hope that clearing the issue here

    Yes I was on this firmware

    Posted via CB10

    01-29-16 09:28 AM

  21. conite's Avatar

    Originally Posted by preeti111

    thats not correct ..... i am on OS 10.2.2836 from india ..... and i still have this android bug in my fone.

    Posted via CB10

    OS2876 has a software release number of 2836. This is the same OS - you're just looking at the wrong number.

    01-29-16 09:35 AM

  22. Poi25's Avatar

    Originally Posted by shawnreum

    Says the person who's ditched BB10 because they are insisting on using it like and Android. My email still works btw.

    Would say it's a case by case issue / bug.

    Because on my Passport, when I delete an app from "home screen" it's deleted and inoperable. Yet still looks like it's there when going into file manager. But those files are only residual info files like cache and such.

    Nope, it's not deleted. If you have Play Store installed go pull up the app. Notice it still says installed? It's a bug within the Android Runtime that causes a crash when going through the uninstallation procedure. Period, end of story.

    Still waiting for proof regarding your email issue, btw. A video would settle it for good, but I know you won't provide that. Because every other member said it didn't work correctly, but toggling a setting that is physically unable to fix the issue because the handling protocol for POP3 is completely different than IMAP somehow, according to you, works.

    Originally Posted by conite

    Don't mean to be argumentative, but that's simply not the case.

    The Android Runtime faulty code was actually broken down and analysed. There is no exception to this bug. It cannot possibly manifest itself differently on your device alone.

    Oh, but you need to realize you're dealing with an individual who truly believes he is correct, disregarding mounting evidence against him. Then, he refuses to admit his faulty logic, continues to offer incorrect advise and explanations, and results to attacking individuals with unrelated statements like he did to me above. That's just how he works.

    01-29-16 10:07 AM

  23. shawnreum's Avatar

    Originally Posted by usman_hidayat19

    Just to clarify the bug is specific to 10.3 .2 .2876 OS ,if you not on that os you don't have that bug
    I hope that clearing the issue here

    Would explain why I don't have it.
    I'm on .24 still

    01-29-16 01:21 PM

  24. shawnreum's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Poi25

    Still waiting for proof regarding your email issue, btw. A video would settle it for good,

    Oh, but you need to realize you're dealing with an individual who truly believes he is correct,

    Just a waste of time, as your on Android now.

    And second, your wrong once again. As I'm not on the same OS as the OP. So the way I explained works on my Passport.

    01-29-16 01:28 PM

  25. conite's Avatar

    Originally Posted by shawnreum

    And second, your wrong once again. As I'm not on the same OS as the OP. So the way I explained works on my Passport.

    This thread is about 2876 (sw2836) though.

    Your response had to be refuted for the sake of clarity to the OP.

    But again, you can't delete an Android app with the file manager as much of it remains in protected space.

    Last edited by conite; 01-29-16 at 02:15 PM.

    01-29-16 01:41 PM

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How To Uninstall Apps On Blackberry 10


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